Sunday, May 28, 2006

Announcing Nurse Mikki!!!!!

Yes, it's true. Graduation week festivities are over. I am in fact a nurse. A real live nurse. With a job and a stethoscope and scrubs (they're not white anymore) and half a clue. Only half you say? Well, I have learned far too much to think I have a complete clue, that would be just plain silly. I have come to the conclusion that if they had even tried to teach us everything in nursing school, my head would have literally exploded.

I walked commencement yesterday. I cried. We all laughed. It was incredible. Orientation in about 9 days. Wow!!

We are now living strictly in Chico. No more going back and forth to Santa Rosa. Just for the record - air matresses may be fun for a night, but not for 5. Oh, and I probably should not be driving a 26' truck, judging by the pasted mailbox at the old house. OOPS!!

Will post pictures soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!